Burning Questions for the 2024 SCOPE Conference

For 2024, we are laser focused on creating digital health companies/platforms that drive efficiency and speed across the pharmaceutical value chain. One of the most time intensive and critical aspects of the pharmaceutical industry’s process is clinical trials — when therapies move from the lab and begin truly impacting patients’ lives. This year, we’re thrilled to attend the 15th Annual SCOPE Summit for Clinical Ops Executives to learn about major advancements taking place in clinical trials.

Here are the tracks and themes we’re paying attention to at SCOPE 2024.

1. Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Research Track

In previous posts, we’ve discussed the increasing importance of data as the proliferation of AI/ML creeps across every aspect of culture and society. The ability for AI/ML/LLMs to provide a super-human perspective on large amounts of data will create rapid advancements and breakthroughs in healthcare. We’re most excited by new technologies that can analyze unstructured data sources — beyond claims/EMR and text-based data — and how other types of information (whole slide images, genomic/molecular profiles, treatment history, etc.) can paint a more complete clinical picture. At SCOPE, we look forward to learning more about how the industry is viewing opportunities and applications for AI.

Some of our burning questions for the Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Research track:

  • How are companies using or planning to use AI to integrate data silos within the organization?
  • How are companies applying or planning to apply AI to diverse datasets to advance I/E and trial design?
  • How are engineers making query capabilities more accessible to the teams asking important questions from an organization’s data?

2. Digital Measurements and Endpoints on Hybrid and Conventional Trials Track

Digital endpoints have been a major focus for drug developers and CROs in recent years. We predict that as the regulatory bodies continue to put out more guidance on the usage of technology in trials, digital endpoints will take on new importance. Furthermore, as the industry pursues more rare and orphan diseases, the ability to reach and engage trial patients regardless of location, will become especially critical.  Measurement and endpoint capabilities will take center stage as decentralized and hybrid trials gain further traction.

Some of our burning questions for the Digital Measurements and Endpoints on Hybrid and Conventional Trials Track:

  • How are wearable devices and sensors being implemented in trials as digital endpoints?
  • What are the future steps needed for implementation of digital biomarkers and endpoints in clinical trials?
  • How are regulations keeping pace with technological advancements and where does the industry feel friction or require more guidance from regulatory bodies?

3. Real World Evidence Track

We’re amazed by the sheer amount of data generated by the healthcare system and we believe that data should be harnessed and activated towards improving health outcomes. We see heavy overlap between AI/ML/LLM and data — the real world evidence track captures our curiosity about new, unstructured and multi-modal data sources. We see application potential in everything from I/E, trial decision, and site selection to creating new disease progression models.

Some of our burning questions for the Real World Evidence Track:

  • How is the industry currently leveraging RWE and new data sources in clinical trial design?
  • Where does the industry currently acquire RWE?
  • How is the industry thinking about acquiring and integrating multi-modal and unstructured data?

4. Biomarkers & Precision Medicine Trials Track

Clinical trials are incredibly complex and resource intensive. With each patient comes multiple specimens and it’s critical to understand the chain of custody (did someone say blockchain...?!) We’re intrigued by software innovations that enable real-time or near-real-time access to insights into specimen analysis in clinical trials. Similar to the trials themselves, this track will be complex and far-reaching, covering everything from next generation informed consent to remote sampling technologies to how companies are enabling biomarker driven trials.

Burning questions for the Biomarker and Precision Medicine Track:

  • What are industry best practices in sample management and biospecimen tracking?
  • How are biomarkers being put to use in clinical trials today?
  • How will clinical trials change with the proliferation of new biomarker discoveries from RWD/E?
  • How will advancements in digital pathology impact clinical trials?

We’re delving deep into the potential applications of data all along the pharmaceutical value chain and our favorite tracks are evidence of that curiosity. Look forward to seeing you at SCOPE 2024!